Expert Rodent Control in Nashville, TN

Rodent hiding in the interior of a pipe.When thoughts of rodents occur, they can bring about a sense of unease and worry. Picturing these small creatures scurrying about can trigger concerns about potential health risks. Taking proactive measures is essential. Mosquito Joe of Northeast Nashville is here to put your mind at ease.

In addition to our specialized treatments for mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, we’re happy to offer expert rodent control services to Northeast Nashville residents. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your peace of mind and a critter-free outdoor environment.

Halting a Rodent Infestation: Effective Measures to Take

Northeast Nashville’s shifting weather, from scorching summers to heavy rain, can push rats, mice, and others to seek food and shelter. They’ll seek refuge in your barns, sheds, roofs, and homes. Take these steps to block their entry and lower their numbers:

  • Always clean up spilled food and water in the kitchen. Store all food in air-tight containers.
  • Keep kitchen garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • Pick up pet food dishes and water when not actively in use.
  • Patch and repair any holes, however small, in walls between rooms, between the garage and the attic, or leading outdoors. Pay particular attention to the back of cupboards and closets, vents, and around window casings.
  • Inspect all vents, especially along the roof, to be sure the vent covers fit properly and are in good repair.
  • Stop feeding wild birds. Spilled seed attracts and feeds rats and mice.
  • When adding food scraps to the compost, always turn the compost to cover any food scraps fully.
  • Prune any branches that overhang your roof, or that grow close to the roof.
  • Pick up fallen fruit or vegetables in the garden.
  • Keep the grass mowed short, trim shrubs, and remove leaf litter and clutter that can provide shelter.
  • Hire a professional pest control company, like Mosquito Joe of Northeast Nashville to examine your property and curtail the rodent population.

Keep in mind that rodents are resourceful, abundant, and determined to thrive. It can be difficult to manage them on your own. The experts at Mosquito Joe of Northeast Nashville are always just a call away to lend a hand.

Expert Approach to Rodent Control: Mosquito Joe’s Comprehensive Solutions

mosquito joe service professionals giving thumbs up from inside of service van and mice can pose all sorts of issues for property owners in Northeast Nashville. Their presence can lead to compounded pest issues and unpleasant odors. Your first instinct may be to set up traps yourself, but traditional traps have drawbacks of their own.

At Mosquito Joe, we prioritize eco-friendly rodent treatment methods focused on creating effective barriers to manage rodent populations. Our strategy combines:

  • Inspection to identify specific vulnerabilities to rodent entry
  • Trapping rodents to remove them from your property
  • Rodent population evaluation
  • Implementing a barrier around your home
  • Application of repellant

We center our approach on preventing the issue from entering your property in the first place. We carefully assess your spaces and create a customized solution that addresses your specific needs, considering the unique demands of the local area.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rodent Control

What time of Year are Mice the Worst in Nashville?

People tend to encounter more mice from April to June because they breed in the spring. You might also see more than usual around October because the mice are working extra hard to find and store food for the winter.

Are Chemicals Used in Rodent Control?

Mosquito Joe of Northeast Nashville rodent control uses no rodenticides that can risk leaving dead and dying rats or mice inside your home. Instead, we use a liquid rodent repellent to control the population and establish a barrier around your home. Our goal is to prevent rodents from coming into your home in the first place. We block the pathways rats and mice use to access your garage, attic, basement, and home. We also alert you to existing issues on your property that may attract rodents.

How much Do Rodent Control Services Cost?

Because every home, property, and rodent issue is different, we customize our services you’re your specific areas. We are happy to provide a free, no-obligation quote for our rodent control service customized to your needs.

Professional Rodent Control Services Near Me

Call us today at 615-850-8421 or fill out our online quote request form. We’ll be happy to provide you with information about our affordable and effective rodent control service!